What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is the name of group highly fibrous minerals with separable, long and thin fibers. Separated Asbestos fibers are strong enough and flexible enough to be spun and woven. Asbestos fibers are heat resistant, making them useful for many industrial purposes. Because of their durability, Asbestos fibers that get into lung tissue will remain for long periods of time.
Asbestos has a long history. It was first used in Finland about 2500 BC to strengthen clay pots. In classical times, the indestructible shrouds in which the ashes of the eminent were preserved were woven from Asbestos. The word “Asbestos” comes from the Greek meaning “Inextinguishable” or “Indestructible”. Its use for lamp-wicks has continued through the ages up to the present day.